Governor’s Info.
The Governors of Holywell School make up the key body that works with the Head Teacher to ensure that we provide the best education possible to all the children who come here. The Governing Body sets the strategic direction of the school, advises and challenges the Head Teacher and senior team, sets and monitors the school budget and monitors the quality of its educational provision.
The Full Governing Body generally meets at least four times per year. In addition, it conducts a great deal of its work through four key sub committees or groups:
– Academy Business Committee
– Curriculum Committee
– Ethos and Pastoral Care Committee
– Strategy Group
Membership of the governing body is made up of:
– Up to 3 elected parents
– 10 governors who have been nominated by one of our two Parochial Church Councils (5 from Cranfield PCC and 5 from Wootton PCC)
– Up to 3 members of staff, currently we have one appointed from the teaching staff and one from the non-teaching staff
– Up to 2 co-opted governors who can be placed on the board for their particular experience and expertise when required
The Head is also a governor ex-officio and the remaining members of the Senior Leadership Team also attend as Associate Members (the 2 Deputy Heads, the Assistant Head, the Finance Director and the School Business Manager)