Contact Us.

School Details

Holywell School

Red Lion Close, Cranfield, Bedfordshire. MK43 0JA

tel: 01234 750 381


Contacting Holywell

At Holywell we welcome enquiries from parents or carers about any matter. Teachers and staff are happy to explain our practices and policies. The vast majority of concerns will be handled by the form tutor, the Head of Year or by the subject co-ordinator. To make an enquiry, please contact the School Office and they will guide you to the most appropriate person to help you. 


Key Contact Names and Roles

School Office (the members of staff who deal with queries from parents and other members of the public):

Office Manager: Mrs S King 

Subject and Pastoral Teams

In the first instance, please contact the subject teacher or form tutor directly. 

Heads of Year can also support with pastoral concerns:

  • Head of Year 5: Mr J Ulph
  • Head of Year 6: Mr Eames
  • Head of Year 7: Mrs M Bassett
  • Head of Year 8: Miss E Stephens

Senior Leadership Team

Headteacher: Mr MG Simpson 

Deputy Headteacher: Mr S Van Der Merwe 

Deputy Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead: Miss A Stewart 

Deputy Headteacher: Miss A Craddock 

Senior Leader: Mr M Eames 

Senior Leader: Mrs J French

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs J Johnson 

Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator: Ms C Patterson 

Careers Leader: Mrs P Gough 


Chair of the Governing Board: Ms P Kendall 

Clerk to the Governing Board: Mrs F Hashim 


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