Communication With School.

“We can talk with someone about anything even if it’s awful or small”

At Holywell School we actively encourage students and parents to contact us about anything and everything related to learning and school. We welcome news about successes and important events outside of school and we appreciate feedback on all school-related matters. We hope for open, positive, solution-focussed conversations and exchanges of information. We will also provide positive feedback on the great work students are doing. Receiving a phone-call from school is not always a negative experience!

Where there are issues to address, we aim to be peaceful problem-solvers, whilst remaining clear and robust in terms of standards and expectations … keeping the focus on learning always results in great outcomes and positive communication.

We encourage parents/carers to contact a member of the school team immediately if there is anything we may need to know – positive or negative – from out-of-school successes to family issues, from small niggles to major concerns. The first point of reference will be the form tutor or the Head of Year. Please resist the temptation to post concerns or frustrations on social media - we are fiercely proud of our reputation in the local community and, if you are unsatisfied with something, please contact us directly so that we can deal with things in a measured and supportive manner. If you are unsure as to who might be able to help, please contact our Office Staff as they are very adept at making sure your enquiry/concern is dealt with appropriately. Main contacts are available on our 'Contact Us' page.

Holywell School
Red Lion Close

MK43 0JA
tel: 01234 750381

We communicate with parents in a range of formal and informal ways:

  • Letters
  • Phone calls
  • Face-to-Face meetings
  • Text alerts and messages via WEDUC and SHOW MY HOMEWORK
  • Messages on the school website (
  • Newsletters
  • Parent consultation evenings
  • Subject specific / Year group specific meetings

The half-termly editions of Holywell News keep parents up-to-date with what happens in school; activities, term dates, invitations to events, Parents’ Meetings etc. Newsletters are posted on the school website in the last week of each half-term as well as sent home by student mail – a system which rather depends on your child’s post-delivery skills! However to bolster the reliability of these communications we will also send out group text ‘alerts’ of key newsletters and correspondence

Parent/Teacher Consultation Evenings and Reports.

Through the year there are a range of important reporting moments to parents, running far ahead of the government requirement to provide a single annual report. Following discussions and consultations with parents, we offer the following formal opportunities:

  • In the Autumn Term, parents have an opportunity to meet with the form tutor for a general 'settling in' conversation. These meetings are available from 2.00pm - 7.00pm. At this meeting we report to parents on your child’s quality of effort in each of their subjects. 
  • In the Spring Term we have subject-based a second parents' evenings for all year groups. Parents are able to make appointments to see English and Maths teachers and an additional 4/5 appointments with subject teachers. These evenings from from 4.00pm - 7.00pm and are run over two consecutive evenings. 
  • In the Summer Term we issue the annual school report. 
  • A data report is produced three times per year (January, April and July) with attainment and effort grades for each subject as well as details of progress towards targets. 

Please note that you are welcome to contact any member of staff for an appointment to discuss student's progress and attainment in any subject at any point in time.  

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